If you're in need of help when it comes to consistency, a package of treatments will help keep you on track and help you save ££ in the process and get you closer to your desired result.
A package for all concerns can be found below.
Please note all packages have an expiry date which vary dependent on the treatment and this is usually less than 12 months to help you achieve your desired result.
Purchase 4 treatments and receive 20% off!
Ideal for anyone aiming for full removal and want to remain consistent, anyone who is just starting out on their removal journey or anyone that needs a few treatments to lighten up for a cover up. Please send pictures via e-mail or Whatsapp for a quote.
Packages of 3 or 8
3 Session package
Ideal for top ups and cyniques!
If you've had laser hair removal elsewhere but need a top up then you can save ££ by purchasing 3 treatments and receive 10% off.
If you're cyniqal a but always wanted to try it then here's your chance to see if it really works.
Standard packages of 6 treatments are eligable for 2 additional treatments at no extra cost!
Further information regarding the above treatment including prican be found on the Laser Hair Removal page
Purchase 4 30+ minute treatments and receive 20% off!
Ideal for small areas like, chin, upper lip, beardline, monobrow, eyebrows, cheekbones.
Further information regarding the above treatment including prices can be found on the Advanced Electrolysis page
Please note all packages have an expiry date which vary dependent on the treatment and this is usually less than 12 months to help you achieve your desired result.
Purchase 3 Botched Ink treatments and receive your laser treatment for free saving £80!
Criteria/ Terms:
- No previous removal treatments carried out
- No allergy to Aloe Vera
- If subsequent Botched Ink treatments are required you will receive 20% off any additional treatments before laser is carried out.
- Treatments must be carried out in the above order, Botched Ink first, then laser.
Further information regarding the above treatment including prices can be found here.
Purchase 3 Botched Ink treatments and save £72!
Ideal for those that have had treatments elsewhere or previously opted for laser first and have been left with prominent sunset colours.
Further information regarding the above treatment including prices can be found here.
Purchase 3 Botched Ink Saline treatments and receive 20% off saving £72 (laser isn't an option).
Further information regarding the above treatment including prices can be found here.
Please note all packages have an expiry date which vary dependent on the treatment and this is usually less than 12 months to help you achieve your desired result.
An ideal alternative for those more sensitive to contact treatments such as Dermaplaning/ Microneedling/ Chemical Peels etc.
Purchase 4 treatments and receive 20% off!
Further information regarding the above treatment including prices can be found on the Skin Rejuvenation Page.
Purchase 4 treatments and receive 20% off!
An ideal solution to keep you on track if you keep pushing this down your priorities list.
Further information regarding the above treatments including prices can be found on the Skin Rejuvenation Page.
Purchase 4 30+ minute treatments and receive 20% off!
An ideal solution if you have multiple skin tags, cherry angiomas, sebaceous keratosis etc
Further information regarding the above treatments including prices can be found on the Advanced Electrolysis Page.
Purchase 4 treatments and receive 20% off!
POA as quotes are provided depending on scar sizes.
Further information regarding the above treatment including prices can be found on the Skin Rejuvenation Page.
Purchase 4 treatments and receive 20% off!
Appointments are limited to 30 mins. Please keep in mind the whole area may not be treated in the same appointment hence the package option.
Further information regarding the above treatment including prices can be found on the Skin Rejuvenation Page.
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